
  Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

chronic lymphocytic leukemia

It is the cancer of lymphocytes. These are the cell responsible for providing immunity in the body.

What are the Symptoms?

Most of the patients are detected on routine checkups. Fatigue, fever weight loss can be seen in advanced cases. Recurrent infections occur due to low immunity.

What is the cause of CLL?

Cause is mostly unidentified. It is thought to be secondary to some mutations in the body.

What are the stages of CLL?

It is staged from Stage 0 to Stage 5 according to the level of hemoglobin and platelets.

How is it diagnosed?

It is diagnosed with the help of a special test called flowcytometry.

What is the risk characterization?

Based on the Age genetic mutations, beta-2microglobulin levels these cancers can be divided in favorable risk, intermediate risk and high risk disease.

Why is risk characterization necessary?

Risk category determines the likely outcome of any treatment in the patient i.e the chances of cure.

What happens if the patient is not treated?

These patients can have recurrent symptoms of fatigue, infection, kidney failure and fractures. Rarely the infections can be so severe so as to cost the life of the patient.

Does everyone need chemotherapy?

Everyone doesn’t need chemotherapy. Only patients with decreased hemoglobin, decreased platelets, recurrent fever, weight loss, and massive spleen require treatment

What is the treatment?

Treatment options depend on the age and risk category of the patientsOptions vary from oral targeted agents to injectable chemotherapy
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