Dr. Anantbhushan Ranade ( Medical Oncologist & Director of ACC )
Dr. Anantbhushan Ranade
- Former President, Indian Society of Medical & Pediatric Oncology (ISMPO) 2015-16
- Honorary Vice-President and President-Elect, Molecular Oncology Society (MOS) (National society of molecular oncology, India) Since 2015.
- Honorary President, Immuno-oncology Leadership Network (LION) (National Society of Immuno-oncology, India)
- Honorary President, Association of Maharashtra Medical Oncologists. (State society of medical oncologists of Maharashtra) 21 years of experience in treating cancer patients
- Director of Oncology at Department of oncology- Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) since 2015 and Avinash Cancer Clinic, Pune since 1997